Publications Conferences Awards





• Fontana, G. (2023), Cracking the Code: Shattering the Cybersecurity Glass Ceiling, Polemics Magazine, Issue 2, Vol. XIII, Spring 2023.


Moderator of Panel IV. Understanding the Impact of Culture on Globalisation • Breakout Session 7. Fusing Cultures, Shaping the World: Navigating the Intersection of Culture and GlobalisationModerator at DASICON 2023, Dipomatische Akademie Wien (3 March 2023).

• Panelist at the Spring Dialogue: Developments in Counter-Terrorism Practices, organised by the Society of International Security at Diplomatische Akademie Wien (17 May 2023).





• Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa (2022), Documento Finale di Sintesi, Dibattito sulla Difesa e Sicurezza Sistemica (a cura di G. Fontana), Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa. Download a pdf of this document here.


• Closing Conference of the Dibattito sulla Difesa e Sicurezza Sistemica, Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa (26 January 2022).

• Seminar, Focus on the Ukrainian Crises for the Selected Students of the Collegio Clesio at the University of Trento (8 March 2022).

• Conference, Celebrating 20 years of the School of International Studies – SIStories: Alumni and Alumnae meet current students, School of International Studies, University of Trento (10 June 2022).




• Fontana, G. (2021), Call for Papers, Informazioni della Difesa, n. 2, pp. 40-45.





• Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa (2020), 1° Quaderno Speciale. Scenari globali e interesse nazionale: pandemia, continuità e cambiamento, Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa. Download a pdf of this document here.

• Fontana, G. (2020), Social Media at War. The Case of Kurdish Fighters and Their Impact on the Perception of the On-Going Anti-ISIS Conflict in Western Countries, European Cybersecurity Journal, Vol. 6 (2020), Issue 2, pp. 91-96, ISSN 2450-21113. Download a pdf of this journal here.

• Fontana, G. & Tokatzian, V. (2020), Building bridges: the role of civil society towards a possible Armenian-Turkish reconciliation, Download a pdf of this article here.

• Fontana, G. & Tokatzian, V. (2020), The Armenian question: where does it stand more than a century after the genocide?, Download a pdf of this article here.

• Fontana, G. (2020), Il terrorismo 2.0: tra droni e nuove tecnologie, in VV.AA. (Bertolotti, C. ed.), #React2020: Rapporto sul terrorismo e il radicalismo in Europa, No. 1, Anno 1, pp. 33-35, ISBN 978-88-322-9401-9. Download a pdf of this publication here.


• Webinar, Post-MA expectations and experiences, organised for the students of the School of International Studies, University of Trento (9 September 2020).





• Fontana, G. (2019), Terrorismo: una risposta alla sfida dei droni, Osservatorio Strategico 2019, Vol. 4., pp. 101-104, ISBN 978-88-31203-09-8. Download a pdf of this article here.

• Fontana, G. (2019), Terrorism: an answer to the drone challenge, Osservatorio Strategico 2019, Issue 4, pp. 94-97, ISBN 978-88-31203-09-8. Download a pdf of this article here.

• Fontana, G. & Luconi, G. (2019), Bring Our Boys Back, Send Our Drones Out. RPAs or Spec Ops? Critical Comparison and Analysis of Counter-Terrorism Practices, working paper presented at the 2019 SGRI Conference.


• Panelist presenting the working paper "Bring Our Boys Back, Send Our Drones Out. RPAs or Spec Ops? Critical Comparison and Analysis of Counter-Terrorism Practices" at the XII Conference of the Italian Standing Group on International Relations (14 June 2019).





• Fontana, G. (2018), Error 404: Drone Not Found. Smartphones as Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Ground Control Station: an Overview of Cyber-Related Vulnerabilities, European Cybersecurity Journal, Vol. 4 (2018), Issue 3, pp. 23-33, ISSN 2450-21113. Winner, Young European Cybersecurity Leader Award. Download a pdf of this article here.

• Fontana, G. (2018), Droni civili per terrorismo, quali soluzioni al problema, Agenda Digitale.

• Fontana, G. (2018), Tutti i rischi (anche cyber) dei droni commerciali Made in China, Formiche. Download a pdf of this article here.


• Special Panel Discussion, Young Cybersecurity Leaders Looking Ahead, 2018 CYBERSEC Forum (9 October 2018).


Young European Cybersecurity Leader.

Merit Award of the University of Trento.




• Stanley, D.J. & Fontana, G. & Duraccio, A. (2017), Drone warfare in Niger, Download a pdf of this article here.